Source code for sapien.utils.viewer.entity_window

from .plugin import Plugin, copy_to_clipboard
from sapien import internal_renderer as R
import sapien
import numpy as np

[docs] class EntityWindow(Plugin): def __init__(self): self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): self.ui_window = None
[docs] def close(self): self.reset()
@property def selected_entity(self): return self.viewer.selected_entity
[docs] def set_actor_pose(self, pose): try: self.selected_entity.pose = pose except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def enable_collision_visual(self, entity=None): if entity is None: entity = self.selected_entity if entity is None: return for c in entity.components: if isinstance(c, sapien.render.RenderBodyComponent): if == "Collision": return c.disable() new_visual = sapien.render.RenderBodyComponent() new_visual.disable_render_id() # avoid it interfere with visual id counting red_mat = sapien.render.RenderMaterial(base_color=[1, 0, 0, 1]) green_mat = sapien.render.RenderMaterial(base_color=[0, 1, 0, 1]) blue_mat = sapien.render.RenderMaterial(base_color=[0, 0, 1, 1]) = "Collision" for c in entity.components: if isinstance(c, sapien.physx.PhysxRigidBaseComponent): for s in c.collision_shapes: if isinstance(s, sapien.physx.PhysxCollisionShapeSphere): vs = sapien.render.RenderShapeSphere(s.radius, blue_mat) elif isinstance(s, sapien.physx.PhysxCollisionShapeBox): vs = sapien.render.RenderShapeBox(s.half_size, blue_mat) elif isinstance(s, sapien.physx.PhysxCollisionShapeCapsule): vs = sapien.render.RenderShapeCapsule( s.radius, s.half_length, blue_mat ) elif isinstance(s, sapien.physx.PhysxCollisionShapeConvexMesh): vs = sapien.render.RenderShapeTriangleMesh( s.vertices, s.triangles, np.zeros((0, 3)), np.zeros((0, 2)), green_mat, ) vs.scale = s.scale elif isinstance(s, sapien.physx.PhysxCollisionShapeTriangleMesh): vs = sapien.render.RenderShapeTriangleMesh( s.vertices, s.triangles, np.zeros((0, 3)), np.zeros((0, 2)), red_mat, ) vs.scale = s.scale elif isinstance(s, sapien.physx.PhysxCollisionShapePlane): vs = sapien.render.RenderShapePlane([1, 1e4, 1e4], blue_mat) elif isinstance(s, sapien.physx.PhysxCollisionShapeCylinder): vs = sapien.render.RenderShapeCylinder( s.radius, s.half_length, green_mat ) else: raise Exception( "invalid collision shape, this code should be unreachable." ) vs.local_pose = s.local_pose new_visual.attach(vs) entity.add_component(new_visual) new_visual.set_property("shadeFlat", 1) self.viewer.notify_render_update()
[docs] def disable_collision_visual(self, entity=None): if entity is None: entity = self.selected_entity if entity is None: return for c in entity.components: if isinstance(c, sapien.render.RenderBodyComponent): if == "Collision": entity.remove_component(c) continue c.enable() self.viewer.notify_render_update()
[docs] def create_collision_shapes(self, entity): render_scene: R.Scene = self.viewer.system._internal_scene
[docs] def copy_pose(self, _): copy_to_clipboard(str(self.selected_entity.pose))
[docs] def disconnect(self, c): self.viewer.select_entity(None) c.set_parent(None)
[docs] def build(self): if self.viewer.render_scene is None: self.ui_window = None return if self.ui_window is None: self.ui_window = R.UIWindow().Pos(10, 10).Size(400, 400).Label("Entity") else: self.ui_window.remove_children() if self.selected_entity is None: self.ui_window.append(R.UIDisplayText().Text("No actor/entity selected.")) return p = self.selected_entity.pose.p q = self.selected_entity.pose.q self.ui_window.append( R.UIDisplayText().Text("Name: {}".format(, R.UIDisplayText().Text("Id: {}".format(self.selected_entity.per_scene_id)), R.UIInputFloat3() .Label("pose.p") .Id("xyz") .Value(p) .Callback(lambda v: self.set_actor_pose(sapien.Pose(v.value, q))), R.UIInputFloat4().Value(q).ReadOnly(True).Label("pose.q"), R.UIButton().Label("Copy Pose").Callback(self.copy_pose), ) for cid, c in enumerate(self.selected_entity.components): name = f"({})" if else "" if isinstance(c, sapien.render.RenderBodyComponent): section = R.UISection().Label(f"Render Body {name}##{cid}") self.ui_window.append(section) for idx, s in enumerate(c.render_shapes): if s.__class__.__name__ == "RenderShapePlane": shape_info = ( R.UITreeNode() .Label("Plane") .Id("visual{}".format(idx)) .append( R.UIDisplayText().Text(f"Name: {}"), R.UIDisplayText().Text(f"Id: {s.per_scene_id}"), R.UIInputFloat3() .Label("Scale") .ReadOnly(True) .Value(s.scale), ) ) if s.__class__.__name__ == "RenderShapeBox": shape_info = ( R.UITreeNode() .Label("Box") .Id("visual{}".format(idx)) .append( R.UIDisplayText().Text(f"Name: {}"), R.UIDisplayText().Text(f"Id: {s.per_scene_id}"), R.UIInputFloat3() .Label("Half Size") .ReadOnly(True) .Value(s.half_size), ) ) if s.__class__.__name__ == "RenderShapeSphere": shape_info = ( R.UITreeNode() .Label("Sphere") .Id("visual{}".format(idx)) .append( R.UIDisplayText().Text(f"Name: {}"), R.UIDisplayText().Text(f"Id: {s.per_scene_id}"), R.UIInputFloat() .Label("Radius") .ReadOnly(True) .Value(s.radius), ) ) if s.__class__.__name__ == "RenderShapeCapsule": shape_info = ( R.UITreeNode() .Label("Capsule") .Id("visual{}".format(idx)) .append( R.UIDisplayText().Text(f"Name: {}"), R.UIDisplayText().Text(f"Id: {s.per_scene_id}"), R.UIInputFloat() .Label("Radius") .ReadOnly(True) .Value(s.radius), R.UIInputFloat() .Label("Half Length") .ReadOnly(True) .Value(s.half_length), ) ) if s.__class__.__name__ == "RenderShapeCylinder": shape_info = ( R.UITreeNode() .Label("Cylinder") .Id("visual{}".format(idx)) .append( R.UIDisplayText().Text(f"Name: {}"), R.UIDisplayText().Text(f"Id: {s.per_scene_id}"), R.UIInputFloat() .Label("Radius") .ReadOnly(True) .Value(s.radius), R.UIInputFloat() .Label("Half Length") .ReadOnly(True) .Value(s.half_length), ) ) if s.__class__.__name__ == "RenderShapeTriangleMesh": shape_info = ( R.UITreeNode() .Label("Triangle Mesh") .Id("visual{}".format(idx)) .append( R.UIDisplayText().Text(f"Name: {}"), R.UIDisplayText().Text(f"Id: {s.per_scene_id}"), ) # .append( # R.UIInputFloat() # .Label("filename") # .ReadOnly(True) # .Value(s.filename), # R.UIInputFloat() # .Label("Scale") # .ReadOnly(True) # .Value(s.scale), # ) ) section.append(shape_info) elif isinstance(c, sapien.physx.PhysxRigidBaseComponent): if isinstance(c, sapien.physx.PhysxRigidStaticComponent): section = R.UISection().Label("Static Body") self.ui_window.append(section) if isinstance(c, sapien.physx.PhysxRigidDynamicComponent) or isinstance( c, sapien.physx.PhysxArticulationLinkComponent ): section = R.UISection().Label( "Dynamic Body" if isinstance(c, sapien.physx.PhysxRigidDynamicComponent) else "Articulation Link" ) self.ui_window.append(section) section.append( R.UIInputFloat().Label("Mass").ReadOnly(True).Value(c.mass), ) section.append( R.UIInputFloat3() .Label("Inertia") .ReadOnly(True) .Value(c.inertia), ) section.append( R.UICheckbox() .Label("Auto Compute Mass") .Checked(c.auto_compute_mass), ) if ( isinstance(c, sapien.physx.PhysxArticulationLinkComponent) and c.parent ): section.append( R.UISameLine().append( R.UIButton() .Label("Select Parent") .Callback( ( lambda c: lambda _: self.viewer.select_entity( c.parent.entity if c.parent else None ) )(c) ), R.UIButton() .Label("Disconnect") .Callback((lambda c: lambda _: self.disconnect(c))(c)), ) ) for idx, s in enumerate(c.collision_shapes): if s.__class__.__name__ == "PhysxCollisionShapePlane": shape_info = ( R.UITreeNode().Label("Plane").Id("collision{}".format(idx)) ) if s.__class__.__name__ == "PhysxCollisionShapeBox": shape_info = ( R.UITreeNode() .Label("Box") .Id("collision{}".format(idx)) .append( R.UIInputFloat3() .Label("Half Size") .ReadOnly(True) .Value(s.half_size), R.UIDisplayText().Text(f"Density: {s.density}"), ) ) if s.__class__.__name__ == "PhysxCollisionShapeCapsule": shape_info = ( R.UITreeNode() .Label("Capsule") .Id("collision{}".format(idx)) .append( R.UIInputFloat() .Label("Radius") .ReadOnly(True) .Value(s.radius), R.UIInputFloat() .Label("Half Length") .ReadOnly(True) .Value(s.half_length), R.UIDisplayText().Text(f"Density: {s.density}"), ) ) if s.__class__.__name__ == "PhysxCollisionShapeCylinder": shape_info = ( R.UITreeNode() .Label("Cylinder") .Id("collision{}".format(idx)) .append( R.UIInputFloat() .Label("Radius") .ReadOnly(True) .Value(s.radius), R.UIInputFloat() .Label("Half Length") .ReadOnly(True) .Value(s.half_length), R.UIDisplayText().Text(f"Density: {s.density}"), ) ) if s.__class__.__name__ == "PhysxCollisionShapeSphere": shape_info = ( R.UITreeNode() .Label("Sphere") .Id("collision{}".format(idx)) .append( R.UIInputFloat() .Label("Radius") .ReadOnly(True) .Value(s.radius), R.UIDisplayText().Text(f"Density: {s.density}"), ) ) if s.__class__.__name__ == "PhysxCollisionShapeConvexMesh": shape_info = ( R.UITreeNode() .Label("Convex Mesh") .Id("collision{}".format(idx)) .append( R.UIDisplayText().Text(f"Density: {s.density}"), ) ) if s.__class__.__name__ == "PhysxCollisionShapeTriangleMesh": shape_info = ( R.UITreeNode() .Label("Triangle Mesh") .Id("collision{}".format(idx)) ) s: sapien.physx.PhysxCollisionShape c0, c1, c2, c3 = s.collision_groups mat = s.physical_material shape_info.append( R.UIDisplayText().Text( "Contact offset: {:.3g}".format(s.contact_offset) ), R.UIDisplayText().Text( "Rest offset: {:.3g}".format(s.rest_offset) ), R.UIDisplayText().Text( "Patch radius: {:.3g}".format(s.patch_radius) ), R.UIDisplayText().Text( "Min path radius: {:.3g}".format(s.min_patch_radius) ), # R.UICheckbox().Label("Is trigger").Checked(s.is_trigger), R.UIDisplayText().Text( "Static friction: {:.3g}".format(mat.get_static_friction()) ), R.UIDisplayText().Text( "Dynamic friction: {:.3g}".format( mat.get_dynamic_friction() ) ), R.UIDisplayText().Text( "Restitution: {:.3g}".format(mat.get_restitution()) ), R.UIDisplayText().Text("Collision groups:"), R.UIDisplayText().Text(" 0x{:08x} 0x{:08x}".format(c0, c1)), R.UIDisplayText().Text(" 0x{:08x} 0x{:08x}".format(c2, c3)), ) section.append(shape_info) # only supported in single scene mode if len(self.viewer.scenes) == 1: section.append( R.UISameLine().append( R.UIButton() .Label("Show") .Callback(lambda _: self.enable_collision_visual()), R.UIButton() .Label("Hide") .Callback(lambda _: self.disable_collision_visual()), R.UIDisplayText().Text("Collision"), ) ) elif isinstance(c, sapien.physx.PhysxDriveComponent): c: sapien.physx.PhysxDriveComponent section = R.UISection().Label("6D Drive") self.ui_window.append(section) section.append( R.UIButton() .Label("Select Parent") .Callback( ( lambda c: lambda _: self.viewer.select_entity( c.parent.entity if c.parent else None ) )(c) ), ) else: section = R.UISection().Label(c.__class__.__name__) self.ui_window.append(section) section.append( R.UIDisplayText().Text("UI for this component is not implemneted") )
# for body_idx, body in enumerate(bodies): # body_info = ( # R.UITreeNode().Label(body.type).Id("visual{}".format(body_idx)) # ) # body_section.append(body_info) # if body.type == "sphere": # body_info.append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Radius: {:.3g}".format(body.radius)) # ) # elif body.type == "capsule": # body_info.append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Radius: {:.3g}".format(body.radius)), # R.UIDisplayText().Text( # "Half length: {:.3g}".format(body.half_length) # ), # ) # elif body.type == "box": # x, y, z = body.half_size # body_info.append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text( # "Half size: {:.3g} {:.3g} {:.3g}".format(x, y, z) # ) # ) # elif body.type == "mesh": # x, y, z = body.scale # body_info.append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text( # "Scale: {:.3g} {:.3g} {:.3g}".format(x, y, z) # ) # ) # body_info.append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Visual id: {}".format(body.visual_id)) # ) # shapes = body.get_render_shapes() # for shape_idx, shape in enumerate(shapes): # mat = shape.material # dtex = ( # (mat.diffuse_texture_filename or "(has texture)") # if mat.diffuse_texture # else "(no texture)" # ) # rtex = ( # (mat.roughness_texture_filename or "(has texture)") # if mat.roughness_texture # else "(no texture)" # ) # mtex = ( # (mat.metallic_texture_filename or "(has texture)") # if mat.metallic_texture # else "(no texture)" # ) # ntex = ( # (mat.normal_texture_filename or "(has texture)") # if mat.normal_texture # else "(no texture)" # ) # etex = ( # (mat.emission_texture_filename or "(has texture)") # if mat.emission_texture # else "(no texture)" # ) # if isinstance(self.selected_entity, sapien.ActorBase): # actor = self.selected_entity # actor: sapien.ActorBase # p = actor.pose.p # q = actor.pose.q # self.ui_window.append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Name: {}".format(, # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Class: {}".format(actor.classname)), # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Id: {}".format(, # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Position XYZ"), # R.UIInputFloat3() # .Id("xyz") # .Value(p) # .Callback(lambda v: self.set_actor_pose(sapien.Pose(v.value, q))), # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Rotation WXYZ"), # R.UIInputFloat4().Value(q).ReadOnly(True), # R.UIButton().Label("Copy Pose").Callback(self.copy_pose), # R.UICheckbox().Label("Show Collision").Bind(self, "show_collision"), # ) # if actor.classname in ["Actor", "Link"]: # self.ui_window.append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Mass"), # R.UIInputFloat().Value(actor.mass).ReadOnly(True), # ) # # collision shapes # shape_section = R.UISection().Label("Collision Shapes") # self.ui_window.append(shape_section) # shapes = actor.get_collision_shapes() # for shape_idx, shape in enumerate(shapes): # c0, c1, c2, c3 = shape.get_collision_groups() # shape_pose = shape.get_local_pose() # mat = shape.get_physical_material() # shape_info = ( # R.UITreeNode() # .Label(shape.type) # .Id("shape{}".format(shape_idx)) # .append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text( # "Contact offset: {:.3g}".format(shape.contact_offset) # ), # R.UIDisplayText().Text( # "Rest offset: {:.3g}".format(shape.rest_offset) # ), # R.UIDisplayText().Text( # "Patch radius: {:.3g}".format(shape.patch_radius) # ), # R.UIDisplayText().Text( # "Min path radius: {:.3g}".format(shape.min_patch_radius) # ), # R.UICheckbox().Label("Is trigger").Checked(shape.is_trigger), # R.UIDisplayText().Text( # "Static friction: {:.3g}".format(mat.get_static_friction()) # ), # R.UIDisplayText().Text( # "Dynamic friction: {:.3g}".format( # mat.get_dynamic_friction() # ) # ), # R.UIDisplayText().Text( # "Restitution: {:.3g}".format(mat.get_restitution()) # ), # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Collision groups:"), # R.UIDisplayText().Text(" 0x{:08x} 0x{:08x}".format(c0, c1)), # R.UIDisplayText().Text(" 0x{:08x} 0x{:08x}".format(c2, c3)), # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Local position XYZ"), # R.UIInputFloat3() # .Id("shape_pos{}".format(shape_idx)) # .Value(shape_pose.p) # .ReadOnly(True), # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Local rotation WXYZ"), # R.UIInputFloat4() # .Id("shape_rot{}".format(shape_idx)) # .Value(shape_pose.q) # .ReadOnly(True), # ) # ) # shape_section.append(shape_info) # if shape.type == "sphere": # shape_info.append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text( # "Sphere radius: {:.3g}".format(shape.geometry.radius) # ) # ) # elif shape.type == "capsule": # shape_info.append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text( # "Capsule radius: {:.3g}".format(shape.geometry.radius) # ), # R.UIDisplayText().Text( # "Capsule half length: {:.3g}".format( # shape.geometry.half_length # ) # ), # ) # elif shape.type == "box": # x, y, z = shape.geometry.half_size # shape_info.append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text( # "Box half size: {:.3g} {:.3g} {:.3g}".format(x, y, z) # ) # ) # elif shape.type == "convex_mesh": # x, y, z = shape.geometry.scale # shape_info.append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text( # "Mesh scale: {:.3g} {:.3g} {:.3g}".format(x, y, z) # ) # ) # elif shape.type == "nonconvex_mesh": # x, y, z = shape.geometry.scale # shape_info.append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text( # "Mesh scale: {:.3g} {:.3g} {:.3g}".format(x, y, z) # ) # ) # # render shapes # body_section = R.UISection().Label("Visual Bodies") # self.ui_window.append(body_section) # bodies = actor.get_visual_bodies() # for body_idx, body in enumerate(bodies): # body_info = ( # R.UITreeNode().Label(body.type).Id("visual{}".format(body_idx)) # ) # body_section.append(body_info) # if body.type == "sphere": # body_info.append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Radius: {:.3g}".format(body.radius)) # ) # elif body.type == "capsule": # body_info.append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Radius: {:.3g}".format(body.radius)), # R.UIDisplayText().Text( # "Half length: {:.3g}".format(body.half_length) # ), # ) # elif body.type == "box": # x, y, z = body.half_size # body_info.append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text( # "Half size: {:.3g} {:.3g} {:.3g}".format(x, y, z) # ) # ) # elif body.type == "mesh": # x, y, z = body.scale # body_info.append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text( # "Scale: {:.3g} {:.3g} {:.3g}".format(x, y, z) # ) # ) # body_info.append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Visual id: {}".format(body.visual_id)) # ) # shapes = body.get_render_shapes() # for shape_idx, shape in enumerate(shapes): # mat = shape.material # dtex = ( # (mat.diffuse_texture_filename or "(has texture)") # if mat.diffuse_texture # else "(no texture)" # ) # rtex = ( # (mat.roughness_texture_filename or "(has texture)") # if mat.roughness_texture # else "(no texture)" # ) # mtex = ( # (mat.metallic_texture_filename or "(has texture)") # if mat.metallic_texture # else "(no texture)" # ) # ntex = ( # (mat.normal_texture_filename or "(has texture)") # if mat.normal_texture # else "(no texture)" # ) # etex = ( # (mat.emission_texture_filename or "(has texture)") # if mat.emission_texture # else "(no texture)" # ) # body_info.append( # R.UITreeNode() # .Label("material {}##{}".format(shape_idx, body_idx)) # .append( # R.UIInputFloat4() # .Label("Diffuse") # .ReadOnly(True) # .Value(mat.base_color), # R.UIInputText() # .ReadOnly(True) # .Value(dtex) # .Label("##dtex{}_{}".format(shape_idx, body_idx)), # R.UIInputFloat4() # .Label("Emission") # .ReadOnly(True) # .Value(mat.emission), # R.UIInputText() # .ReadOnly(True) # .Value(etex) # .Label("##etex{}_{}".format(shape_idx, body_idx)), # R.UIInputFloat() # .Label("Roughness") # .ReadOnly(True) # .Value(mat.roughness), # R.UIInputText() # .ReadOnly(True) # .Value(rtex) # .Label("##rtex{}_{}".format(shape_idx, body_idx)), # R.UIInputFloat() # .Label("Metallic") # .ReadOnly(True) # .Value(mat.metallic), # R.UIInputText() # .ReadOnly(True) # .Value(mtex) # .Label("##mtex{}_{}".format(shape_idx, body_idx)), # R.UIInputFloat() # .Label("Specular") # .ReadOnly(True) # .Value(mat.specular), # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Normal map"), # R.UIInputText() # .ReadOnly(True) # .Value(ntex) # .Label("##ntex{}_{}".format(shape_idx, body_idx)), # ) # ) # if isinstance(self.selected_entity, sapien.LightEntity): # light = self.selected_entity # p = light.pose.p # q = light.pose.q # self.ui_window.append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Name: {}".format(, # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Class: {}".format(light.classname)), # ) # def set_shadow(light, enable): # light.shadow = enable # self.ui_window.append( # R.UICheckbox() # .Label("Shadow") # .Checked(light.shadow) # .Callback((lambda light: lambda p: set_shadow(light, p.checked))(light)) # ) # self.ui_window.append( # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Position XYZ"), # R.UIInputFloat3() # .Id("xyz") # .Value(p) # .Callback(lambda v: self.set_actor_pose(sapien.Pose(v.value, q))), # R.UIDisplayText().Text("Rotation WXYZ"), # R.UIInputFloat4().Value(q).ReadOnly(True), # R.UIButton().Label("Copy Pose").Callback(self.copy_pose), # ) # if hasattr(light, "shadow_near"): # self.ui_window.append( # R.UIInputFloat() # .Label("Near") # .Value(light.shadow_near) # .ReadOnly(True), # R.UIInputFloat() # .Label("Far") # .Value(light.shadow_far) # .ReadOnly(True), # ) # if light.classname == "PointLightEntity": # light: PointLightEntity # pass # elif light.classname == "DirectionalLightEntity": # self.ui_window.append( # R.UIInputFloat() # .Label("Half Size") # .Value(light.shadow_half_size) # .ReadOnly(True), # ) # pass # elif light.classname == "SpotLightEntity": # pass
[docs] def get_ui_windows(self): if self.ui_window: return [self.ui_window] return []
[docs] def notify_scene_change(self): self.reset()