User Guide# Get started Installation Dependencies Install via Pip(PyPI) or Conda Install Nightly Releases Build from Source Clone SAPIEN Build in Docker Build natively Verify Installation Server (no display) Desktop (with display) Hello World Simulation scene Add rigid bodies Viewer Simulation loop Full script Create Actors Create an Entity Create an actor with ActorBuilder Create an actor with multiple primitives Create an actor from a mesh file Remove an entity Physics Set default physical properties Set physical materials Create a kinematic actor Set damping for the actor Get kinematic quantities (pose, velocity) of an actor Create Articulations Create a root link Create a child link connected by a revolute joint Control an articulation with builtin drives Get kinematic quantities of the articulation Remove an articulation Under the hood implementation Viewer Free Camera Control Actor Selection Focused Camera Control Control Window Scene Window Entity Window Articulation Window Transform Window Contact Rendering Camera Create and mount a camera Render an RGB image Generate point cloud Visualize segmentation Take a screenshot from the viewer Ray Tracing Renderer Ray tracing vs. rasterization Ray tracing with SAPIEN Reflection and refraction Customizing Shaders Shader pack Rasterization pipeline Render passes Geometry input Uniform input Camera set Object set Material set Scene set Render targets Output Input Ray tracing pipeline Uniform input Ray generation Ray miss Ray hit Denoising Post processing Parameters Example: ray tracing variance Create a new shader pack Add a new output texture Compute variance Realistic Depth Sim-to-real gap Realistic depth sensor simulation Boosting simulation speed Seamless transfer to other GPU libraries Reference VR (Virtual Reality) Dependencies Setup (Linux) Install ALVR Install SteamVR Connect HMD and ALVR Run SAPIEN’s VR test script Robotics Getting Started with Robot Set up the engine, renderer and scene Load a robot URDF Compensate passive forces (e.g. gravity) Disable Gravity Full Script Drive Robot with PID Controller Setup Drive the robot with PhysX internal PD controller Write your own PID controller Motion Planning Reinforcement learning Build Gym-style Interface SapienEnv: base class AntEnv: environment Random Agent Basic Manipulation Setup Task Definition Advanced Concepts Scene, Entity, Component, and System Overview Scene Entity Component System Component Lifecycle on_add_to_scene on_remove_from_scene Common Components PhysX Components Rigid Body Hierarchy Rigid Static Component Rigid body Component Mass properties Dynamics Rigid Dynamic Component Articulation Link Component Articulation Joint Collision Shape Joint Component Drive Component Gear Component Render Components