Source code for sapien.utils.viewer.path_window

import json

import numpy as np
import sapien
from sapien import internal_renderer as R

from .plugin import Plugin

[docs] class Path: def __init__(self, entity): self.entity = entity self.poses = []
[docs] class PathWindow(Plugin): def __init__(self): self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): self._paths = [] self._current_path_index = -1 self.ui_window = None self.file_chooser_load = None self.file_chooser_save = None self._selected_point_index = -1 self._curve = None self._curve_time = 0 self.curve_segments = 128
@property def transform_window(self): from .transform_window import TransformWindow return next(p for p in self.viewer.plugins if isinstance(p, TransformWindow)) @property def scene(self): return self.viewer.scene @property def paths(self): return [ for p in self._paths] @paths.setter def paths(self, _): pass
[docs] def add_path(self, _): entity = self.viewer.selected_entity if entity is None: return self._paths.append(Path(entity)) self.current_path_index = len(self._paths) - 1 self.add_point(None)
[docs] def remove_path(self, _): if self._current_path_index < 0 or self._current_path_index >= len(self._paths): return del self._paths[self._current_path_index] # force refresh if self._current_path_index >= len(self._paths): self.current_path_index = len(self._paths) - 1 else: self.current_path_index = self._current_path_index
@property def current_path_index(self): return self._current_path_index @current_path_index.setter def current_path_index(self, p): self._current_path_index = p self.show_curve() @property def current_path(self) -> Path: if self._current_path_index < 0 or self._current_path_index >= len(self._paths): return None return self._paths[self.current_path_index]
[docs] def add_point(self, _): path = self.current_path if path is None: print("no path selected") return if self.viewer.selected_entity != self.current_path.entity: print("selected entity is not path entity") return tw = self.transform_window if not tw.enabled: tw.enabled = True if path.poses: if np.linalg.norm(path.poses[-1].p - tw._gizmo_pose.p) < 1e-4: print("path points too close!!!") return path.poses.append(tw._gizmo_pose) self.show_curve() self.selected_point_index = len(path.poses) - 1
[docs] def insert_point(self, _): path = self.current_path if path is None: print("no path selected") return if self.viewer.selected_entity != self.current_path.entity: print("selected entity is not path entity") return tw = self.transform_window if not tw.enabled: tw.enabled = True if path.poses: if ( np.linalg.norm( path.poses[self.selected_point_index].p - tw._gizmo_pose.p ) < 1e-4 ): print("path points too close!!!") return path.poses.insert(self.selected_point_index + 1, tw._gizmo_pose) self.show_curve() self.selected_point_index = self.selected_point_index + 1
[docs] def set_point(self, _): path = self.current_path if path is None: print("no path selected") return if self.viewer.selected_entity != self.current_path.entity: print("selected entity is not path entity") return tw = self.transform_window if not tw.enabled: tw.enabled = True path.poses[self.selected_point_index] = tw._gizmo_pose self.show_curve()
[docs] def del_point(self, _): path = self.current_path if path is None: print("no path selected") return if self.viewer.selected_entity != self.current_path.entity: print("selected entity is not path entity") return del path.poses[self.selected_point_index] self.selected_point_index = 0 self.show_curve()
@property def selected_point_index(self): return self._selected_point_index @selected_point_index.setter def selected_point_index(self, index): self._selected_point_index = index self.transform_window.gizmo_matrix = self.current_path.poses[ index ].to_transformation_matrix() @property def points(self): if not self.current_path: return [] return [f"Point {i}" for i in range(len(self.current_path.poses))]
[docs] def get_curve(self, knots=128): from scipy.interpolate import splev, splprep from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation, Slerp if self.current_path is None: return None, None, None points = np.array([pose.p for pose in self.current_path.poses]) scipy_quats = np.array( [pose.q[[1, 2, 3, 0]] for pose in self.current_path.poses] ) if len(points) <= 1: return None, None, None tck, u = splprep( [points[:, 0], points[:, 1], points[:, 2]], s=0, k=min(3, len(points) - 1) ) ts = np.linspace(0, 1, knots) points = np.stack(splev(ts, tck), axis=-1) rots = Slerp(u, Rotation.from_quat(scipy_quats))(ts) quats = rots.as_quat()[:, [3, 0, 1, 2]] return ts, points, quats
[docs] def eval_curve(self, ts): from scipy.interpolate import splev, splprep from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation, Slerp if self.current_path is None: return None, None points = np.array([pose.p for pose in self.current_path.poses]) scipy_quats = np.array( [pose.q[[1, 2, 3, 0]] for pose in self.current_path.poses] ) if len(points) <= 1: return None, None tck, u = splprep( [points[:, 0], points[:, 1], points[:, 2]], s=0, k=min(3, len(points) - 1) ) points = np.stack(splev(ts, tck), axis=-1) rots = Slerp(u, Rotation.from_quat(scipy_quats))(ts) quats = rots.as_quat()[:, [3, 0, 1, 2]] return points, quats
[docs] def show_curve(self, _=None): if not self.viewer.render_scene: self._curve = None return self.hide_curve(_) ts, points, _ = self.get_curve(self.curve_segments) if points is None: return segs = [] for p0, p1 in zip(points[:-1], points[1:]): segs += list(p0) segs += list(p1) colors = [0, 0, 1, 1] * int(len(segs) / 3) self._curve = self.viewer.render_scene.add_line_set( self.viewer.renderer_context.create_line_set(segs, colors) )
[docs] def hide_curve(self, _): if not self.viewer.render_scene: return if self._curve is None: return self.viewer.render_scene.remove_node(self._curve) self._curve = None
@property def curve_time(self): return self._curve_time @curve_time.setter def curve_time(self, t): self._curve_time = t ps, qs = self.eval_curve([t]) if ps is None: return self.transform_window.gizmo_matrix = sapien.Pose( ps[0], qs[0] ).to_transformation_matrix()
[docs] def save(self, _=None):
[docs] def save_confirm(self, _, name, path): data = { "version": 0, "name":, "trajectory": [ [float(x) for x in p.p] + [float(x) for x in p.q] for p in self.current_path.poses ], } assert name.endswith(".json") with open(name, "w") as f: json.dump(data, f)
[docs] def load(self, _=None):
[docs] def load_confirm(self, _, name, path): assert name.endswith(".json") with open(name, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) assert data["version"] == 0 if data["name"] != print("name does not match!") self.current_path.poses = [ sapien.Pose(p[:3], p[3:]) for p in data["trajectory"] ] self.show_curve()
[docs] def build(self): if self.scene is None: self.ui_window = None return if self.ui_window is None: self.file_chooser_save = R.UIFileChooser().Label("Save") self.file_chooser_load = R.UIFileChooser().Label("Load") self.ui_window = ( R.UIWindow() .Label("Path") .append( R.UISameLine().append( R.UIOptions() .Id("paths") .Style("select") .BindItems(self, "paths") .BindIndex(self, "current_path_index"), R.UIButton().Label("+").Width(40).Callback(self.add_path), R.UIButton().Label("-").Width(40).Callback(self.remove_path), ), R.UIOptions() .Style("radio") .BindItems(self, "points") .BindIndex(self, "selected_point_index"), R.UIConditional() .Bind(lambda: self.current_path is not None) .append( R.UISameLine().append( R.UIButton().Label("Add Point").Callback(self.add_point), R.UIButton() .Label("Insert Point") .Callback(self.insert_point), R.UIButton().Label("Set Point").Callback(self.set_point), R.UIButton().Label("Del Point").Callback(self.del_point), ), R.UISliderFloat() .Label("t") .Min(0) .Max(1) .Bind(self, "curve_time"), R.UIInputInt().Label("Segments").Bind(self, "curve_segments"), R.UISameLine().append( R.UIButton().Label("Save").Callback(, self.file_chooser_save.Filter(".json").Callback( self.save_confirm ), R.UIButton().Label("Load").Callback(self.load), self.file_chooser_load.Filter(".json").Callback( self.load_confirm ), ), ), ) )
[docs] def get_ui_windows(self): if self.ui_window: return [self.ui_window] return []
[docs] def close(self): self.reset()