Scene, Entity, Component, and System#



A Scene contains a list of Entity and a list of System. An Entity contains a list of Component. A Component should register itself to a corresponding System.


Everything simulated or rendered needs to live in a 3D world. SAPIEN calls this world Scene. A scene is simply constructed with sapien.Scene(). A scene does 2 things: holding a list of Entity and managing a list of System. We will now explain the role of Entity and System.


Every object in the SAPIEN scene is an Entity, from robot links, tables, to lights and cameras. The specific functionalities of an Entity is specified with its attached components.

Formally, an Entity in SAPIEN has a 6-D Pose, i.e. position and orientation, and a list of attached components. To give an entity specific functionalities, you need to attach components to it through entity.add_component(...).

A PhysxRigidDynamicComponent makes the entity a rigid body that interacts with PhysX physical simulation. A RenderbodyComponent assigns the entity a visual appearance so it can be rendered by a camera, which is another entity with a RenderCameraComponent attached.


The Component is the fundamental concept that gives SAPIEN entities their functionalities. Each component may have very different purposes, but they all implement 2 functions add_to_scene and remove_from_scene.

Let’s take a look at PhysxRigidDynamicComponent as an example. When an entity with this component is added to scene. The add_to_scene function is called. Which first queries the scene for a PhysxSystem, which contains a simulation scene from PhysX. Then the PhysxRigidDynamicComponent registers itself into the PhysxSystem, which adds a PhysX rigid dynamic actor into the simulation scene. In the future, when the step function of the PhysxSystem is called, PhysxSystem synchronizes the updated poses to the PhysxRigidDynamicComponent, which updates the pose of the sapien Entity.

Components on an entity can be obtained by entity.components or entity.find_component_by_type. For example, to retrieve a component of type PhysxRigidDynamicComponent, you could use



As we can see from the example in the component section. A System can perform actions over a set of specific components. For example, PhysxSystem can update PhysX-related components, and RenderSystem manages render bodies and cameras to perform rendering.


While SAPIEN features Entity, Component, and System. SAPIEN is not an ECS (Entity component system) architecture but simply borrows the concepts from ECS, similar to the Unity game engine.